Driving Freedom Podcast
Driving Freedom Podcast
Labor Trafficking with Rafael Bautista
On this episode we dive into a topic not yet covered on Driving Freedom: labor trafficking. Transportation was number 10 in the list of Top 10 Industries associated with labor trafficking victims in the US on temporary visas that were reported to the National Human Trafficking Hotline and BEFREE text line. Individuals exploited when an employer compels or deceives them into providing involuntary labor -- often through use of violence, threats, manipulation of debt or blackmail -- number in the tens of thousands in the US. Learn from Rafael Bautista, a survivor of labor trafficking and a consultant and advisor for many federal and local agencies, as he shares cases to help us identify how we might intersect with labor trafficking and play a role in getting victims the support they need to live their own lives of freedom.
National Human Trafficking Hotline
Labor Trafficking and Temporary Work Visas
TAT’s Labor Trafficking brochure