Driving Freedom Podcast
Driving Freedom Podcast
Vulnerabilities to Trafficking: The LGBTQ2IA+ Community with Wade Arvizu
In June, which is Pride Month, we want to acknowledge and work against the difficulties and discrimination faced by those in the queer community, which can make someone more vulnerable to trafficking. It’s ok to disagree with people, but no matter if or how we disagree, it’s important to make sure everyone is safe. That’s why it’s important to better understand what LGBTQ2ia+ individuals face, so we can do that … so we can stop trafficking however it happens. Forty percent of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ+ and 46 percent of them ran away due to family rejection. LGBTQ+ youth are 7.4 times more likely to experience acts of sexual violence than their non-LGBTQ+ peers. And providers for youth report that many LGBTQ+ youth prefer to engage in sexual acts in exchange for a place to stay rather than risk experiencing the abuse and potential violence they sometimes face in youth shelters and foster care. Imagine feeling that putting yourself in that position is better than what could be faced in a place that is supposed to support you, but hasn’t in the past or has hurt your friends. Hear from Wade Arvizu, an anti-trafficking subject matter expert, author and speaker about the realities faced by people in the queer community and how we can each take action.
- Wade’s books
- The book recommended by Wade: “Love is an Orientation” by Andrew Marin
- “Ride with Pride: With changing times, LGBTQ truckers move more confidently in spite of lingering harassment”
- The National Human Trafficking Hotline
- How to better understand and connect with LGBTQIA loved ones
- "Know Your Rights" section to help LGBTQIA people experiencing discrimination